Invited Talks & Conference Presentations

Gaming at War: The Rise of the First-Person Military Shooter

A talk given as part of CDH Open, Cambridge Digital Humanities, University of Cambridge

(23 February 2022)

Gaming at War: Military Aesthetics in E-Sports Competitions

A talk given at the Technology and New Media Research Cluster, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge

(17 February 2020)

Engineering Problems: The Place of Literature within Information Theory

A conference paper presented at ‘Literature-Technology-Media’, Faculty of English, University of Cambridge

(15 October 2016)

Imagining the Edge of the World: Global Networks and Convergence Culture in A Song of Ice and Fire

A conference paper presented at ‘Beyond B/Orders’, King’s College London

(1 June 2015)

Cybernetic Humanism: Or, How to Answer the Symbols of Entropy in Verse

A conference paper presented at SLSA 2021 (34th Annual Meeting), University of Michigan

(1 October 2021)

Cybernetic Fantasies: Theory and Value

A talk given at the Cybernetics and Society Research Group, CRASSH, University of Cambridge

(6 June 2017)

The Hunter Class: Militarism, the ‘Special Forces’, and American Culture

A conference paper presented at ‘Materials in Practice’, CRASSH, University of Cambridge

(6 May 2016)

Mechanical Play: Historicising the Theory of Games and Play

A talk given at the interdisciplinary Cambridge Games and Play Research Network, University of Cambridge

(17 November 2020)

Video Game Perspective as Symbolic Form

A talk given at ‘Meeting the Machine Halfway’, Wysing Arts Centre; you can watch it here.

(19 November 2016)

Gaming at Work: Sports, Video Games, and the Financial System

A conference paper presented at ‘Art/Money/Crisis’, CRASSH, University of Cambridge

(29–30 April 2016)